Monday, 26 July 2010

Dress of The Day

I am desperate to buy something vintage clothing or coral coloured jewellery, which is fueling the Dress of The Day blogs.
I predict this beauty goes for $129, what do you think?

1940s Black striped slash dress from millstreetvintage.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Pretty Dress of The Day

A pretty dress is like a melody.
Vintage 50s Pink Salmon dress from redhousevintageon ebay, ends tomorrow better bid fast!

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Pretty Dress of The Day

I felt the need to watch old films lately, but all the best films I want to watch seem to only available online at a great cost, ideally I wanted The Women or The Opposite Sex . So in hmv continuous sale, which hasn't seen it closed down yet I picked up The Joan Crawford Collection. In it featured Humouresque, The Damned Don't Cry, Possessed, Grand Hotel and Mildred Pierce my favourite. In all these films she seems to portray ruthless/unnerved women and she looks crazy as hell, a caricature of a women. The best thing about the box set was the documentary about her, it seemed she was playing herself, she was as twisted and damaged as the characters she played as she got older.

Get some Adrian magic with this 1940s dress from hollywoodstylevintage at $90 on ebay.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Pretty Dress of The Day

I have always wondered where are these innotative 1930s and 1940s dresses that you see in the movies and in the vintage books. Well here one just look for anne*blommer on ebay and if you have $149 to spare.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Pretty Dress of The Day

Vintage 50s Novelty dress from labellavintage_inc Buy it Now $225.00

All last week was a Bean feast

I have to say my experience of mental illness has been limited, yes I know quite a few people who are on medicine for depression, but I don't have to deal with their conditions everyday. I live in a basic place, that all I could afford on my wage, so even then the morale is low. My flatmates aren't clean they do nothing towards household duties and one of them smells. His room smells, he sprays his room with fragrance sprays, but ultimately its a smell that comes from having an unclean room, morale even lower. But something that has really getting me angry is the bio polar girl, I assume this as she has screaming matches with her boyfriend, one day best friends the next enemy. She leaves stuff everywhere and it takes days for her to clean up and she is the messest person in the house, I spend quite a bit of my time cleaning up after her. I am angry all the time as people with bio polar are denies, but since she isnt family or a friend I dont see why I have to babysit her. Living with a bio polar person drains your energy because you have to be understanding of them all the time, at the minute I cant sleep and I am living on a diet of sugar.
My job sastification has reached an all time low as this job keeps me in a negative situation as well as their inability to pay my overtime which has meant I have had to spend alot of time in the flat, during a 5 week month. This is what the 2nd circle of hell must be like. The only thing that has kept me going gaga, and not slaughtering my flatemates for real, is some vochers from M&S and since M&S is not what it used to be for lingerie, sweets was the only option.

The Bean feast Month was:
3 packets of toffee flavoured whoopie pies, 2 x2 pack of carrot cake cup cales 1 x 2 pack of choc button cupcake, 1 chocolate fudge cake, 2 x 2 lemon drizzle cake, 2 x packet of chocolate peanuts + make your own cupcakes= £6.13 left
The comedown is going to be a bitch.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

The Twilight Saga

How I feel about Bella Swan, stop forcing Eclipse down my thought, its not cool, I grow up with the Vampire Diaries Books, they are cool they have been picked up 10 year after publication for a TV series. L J Smith rules, please do write the last book in the Night World Series before I hit my thirties or die, have I not waited long enough! I thought I was tripping when I saw the add for Volvo featuring scenes from Eclipse. Its so down market wouldn't see Harry Pottor producers giving the go for adds about capes because they appeared in the movie. I for one will be seeing Eclipse only because I could do with some laughter and there nothing else worth seeing.
How I feel about Bella Swan character click below, finally an adult female in the media who isnt delusional about the Twilight series.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Gluttony for Punishment

The place most interesting thing about the place that I have moved to is the charity shops. Last weekend I popped into the same shop where I got my dressing table and low and behold they had a mid century low sideboard for £45. I couldn't believe my luck! But then I remembered I live in a room and the only way to be able to buy it is to ask the landlord to remove the the huge desk, which currently occupies the space where my dream sideboard could live, and technical I am skint as the overtime hasn't been paid. What to do? Maybe I should just stay away from this shop, but I am a gluttony for punishment.

Its sold, crap, but the posh charity shop has a nice chiffon pink 60s dress.


Goodbye online diary, you were my source of hope, and a record of the struggles I seem to be born to keep enduring. Part inflicted by myself...