When I was younger these ladies were my heriones, they lived amazing lives, have colourful hair and buckets of talent.

Amy Doan (aka
Shrinkle) Is a veteran of ebay, she inspired me to make and create and look more colourfully then my peers.
Unfortunately alot of the stuff, I bought from her, I sold on, big mistake, as I know realise how cool the clothes really where and individual.
Find her on
http://blog.shrinkle.com/http://shrinkle.livejournal.com/and of course her first home ebay

Xenia (aka
LimeCrime) like Shrinkle started out on ebay, selling her diy clothes and cool finds. She always had the most stunning photography and gave fab makeup tutorials. Now she has her own blogazine and colourful makeup line. Checkout out the link to find out how fabulous she really is.
Find her on
Zandra Rhodes is known for her colourful prints and colourful dress. I was fortunte to get 3mths work experience at her Fashion Musueum as well as meet the lady herself, who was a vision of coour on a cold winters day in Bermondsay.
She claimed to never remove her eye makeup, but topped it up and that was the secret to her good skin and she wished she had kept more of her orginal samples.
Find her at
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