When I was at secondary school I was inspired by Art Deco one day in Art class. I would faithfully draw art deco's most famous posters, I thought I was quite a good artist, but really I was a good copyist. I loved the modern look, curvy shapes, and glass shiny topped surfaces, it was one classy style. I did dream about owning an art deco dolls house but I thought £225 was pricey, when property programmes came on that featured art deco properties I was horribly jealous. Why didn't I live in an area that had houses like that? The thing that killed my art deco loving?
Why the price, I would want the original and from visiting places like Alfies Antique Market, I would need a couple of Grand to spare. The fifties look is more accessible, and the reproduction pieces available some of them look like the real thing.
Watching Art Deco Icons- Claridges which has some impressive interiors, made me realise are the best years over?, Apart from Obama, the fall of the Berlin Wall, can I say I grow up in era of great change and development and exciting new ideas. Maybe that's the real reason why Art Deco is considered the Golden age because everything was new and hadn't been repeated or experienced, it was the real period where anything could happen, you just had to have balls!

Wow that dressing table is truly adorable!