You know when you have an obsession, when you are forsaking food, however I could do with some weight lose. Statistical, you more likely to get the jobs if you are skinnier, tall and blonde, okay I can only change one of these things.

My homemade chips,I made on Friday and Saturday, I prefer sweet potato but the King Edwards potatoes came out just as nice.

I really wanted this however I don't have have anything like £30.99 the current price bidding price in my account so its on the if only list.

Selling my wears, I'm dangerously close to the brink, so I'm selling my hard to part items.
When I first started collect vintage, I bought a few of of these British Mans magazines like Spick and Span, I then found Frolic which is an American version of these type of men's magazine, as you can imagine they are far glamorous and saucy. The adds page feature, female pin pal girls, looking for husband. Bondage stag videos and nude pictures. Whoever told you the 50s were an innocent time, where lying, the men just went underground and maybe had to pay for the ladies to do the things the wife's wouldn't.

This is a great catalogue, lots of beautiful pictures inside, of things you could never afford.

Ever wanted to make a vintage bra and pantie set, here it's all under my username essex_lolly on Ebay.
Update I have now included my Jakob Bengel pendent and 1960s Belly Dancer costume its amazing, wish I didnt have to sell it, but needs must.

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