Prices range from $99-$139 so Santa would have to have alot of love to get you one of these.

Just dropped in
My last parcel came and no customs to pay, I can just fit into it, but it doesn't give me any joy, why? I think I have fallen out of love with 40s dress and now want the fun of the 50's.
That and the fact the wanker I posted about in November, decided to get all friendly like it never happened, he genuinely had no clue, that was he did was mean and that made me very,very angry that he denied any wrong doing. His contact ruined what had been a good week, but it made me realise that when I leave my home town, once the house sold their isn't a single person I will miss as friendship ain't what it used to be, I have meet strangers that have treated me better, then the dogs I have met since returning from University.
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