Nope? These cupcakes from Sainsburys with the softest thick icing are enough to acknowledge the day, that millions of other people may be n love, if you are only in love with yourself.
Currently I am planning my outfits for two events, one I paid for the other a volunteered my services for.
Last year I brought a sheer black chiffon lace goth Lolita dress because it looked expensive and could be modified easily for a different look. It came with a nude slip so 2010. The funniest things about having so little money sometimes is how you rework the things you have already when normally you would of just bought new things. Currently Asda are selling silky chemises for Valentines day for £3.50 I bought it in red and it looks rather good underneath the dress as it's little longer so it peeks out.

I spied some stockings with red contrasting seam to match and some devil wings(future costume idea) in Poundland all for £1.

This week I am in danger of thoroughly being chuffed about not wasting so much of my windfall on stuff I cant really use.
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